To narrow your results to sites of a particular type, designation and land cover use the checkboxes in the lists below ...
You narrowed your results to sites of:
Land covers:
To estimate the recreation value and visits for a potential site ...
(1) Is the new site an area or path?
Please ensure that your csv file follows the template csv file and then upload your file using the browse button.
Select travel cost calculation method:
Crude Approx. (quick):Recreation Sites
Land cover
Site Designation
Points of Interest
Welfare Values (£ per year)
To see information CLICK on a recreation site or spatial area on the map.
The information will appear in this box.
Visitor Origin
Select travel cost calculation method:
Crude Approx. (quick):
Set minimum number of visits to display. For example, a minimum visits of 10 will fetch data for every LSOA that has 10 or more visits for your chosen site.
Getting Started...
Click 'Map Layers' to show or hide a variety of map layers (including background layers, recreational sites, land cover, designation, points of interest and regions).
Click 'Explore Sites' to get detailed information on the economic value and visitation of recreation sites
Click 'Alter Sites' to change the characteristics of existing sites
Click 'Create Sites' to create a new recreation site.
Developed by the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) at The University of
With funding from Defra
The values and visits presented in ORVal version 2.0 are from a series of significant advances in the sophistication of the statistical model that underpins the ORVal tool. For example, ORVal now models choices over the transport mode used to get to recreation sites.
The predictions reported by ORVal version 2.0 are prefered to those provided by version 1.0 though users can still access the version 1.0 estimates at: Version 1.0.
For full details on additional functionality see the new user guide and for full details on the new modelling see the new technical report, both documents can be found in the 'Help & Docs' section.
ORVal reports values and visit estimates for existing and new greenspaces that are derived from a sophisticated model of recreational demand in England and Wales. These numbers are predictions of a model and not actual counts of visits to a particular greenspace or actual measures of the welfare which that greenspace provides.
While the model captures many important features that influence the value and visitation to greenspace it is not able to account for each park's unique characteristics. Rather, the figures provided by ORVal should be interpreted as indicating what we might expect for a typical greenspace with the given features in this location accounting for the availability of other greenspace and the characteristics of local population.
Day, B. H., and G. Smith (2018). Outdoor Recreation Valuation (ORVal) User Guide: Version 2.0, Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute, Business School, University of Exeter.
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